Helping animals in need of emergency medical assistance or care, by providing the needed financial assistance for veterinarian costs.

- Eliminate pet suffering because owners are unable to financially provide emergency care.
- Help keep pet families together instead of having to owner surrender to shelters or rescues.
- Assist pets that have been abandoned because of emergency medical needs with required crisis care and finding forever homes.
- Doing our part for pet overpopulation, by ensuring all pets receive a spay/neuter that have come to us in an emergency situation.
Mission StatementTo promote the moral and ethical development of Canadian communities by helping animals in need of emergency medical assistance or care, by providing the needed financial assistance for veterinarian costs to pet owners who cannot absorb such costs due to economic hardship.
REGISTERED CHARITY NO. : 81175 2377 RR0001
PAWS FOR CELEBRATIONTHANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF OUR SOLD OUT EVENT FOR 2015. TWO YEARS …. 2 SOLD OUT ANNUAL EVENTS! WE’RE SO APPRECIATIVE OF THE CONTINUED SUPPORT.MEET OUR BOARD OF DIRECTORSMeet the team who promote the moral and ethical development of Canadian communities by helping animals in need of emergency medical assistance or care, by providing the needed financial assistance for veterinarian costs to pet owners who cannot absorb such costs due to economic hardship.WAYS TO DONATEYou can Support Vets Animal Charity by making a contribution online. Making a donation through our secure server is fast & easy.
BUSTERBuster was really not doing well as he had a mouth full of severe issues. Broken & cracked teeth, infected & bleeding gums, heavy tartar. All this was causing him serious health issues and was only going to get worse. His senior owner was devastated to watch her faithful companion become sicker and more uncomfortable each day. VETS Animal Charity assisted Buster and his pet mom financially and we’re happy to report Buster now has an almost picture perfect smile, but more importantly he went home feeling so much better!MYSTICPoor Mystic took a spill while jumping and broke her pelvis.Her pet mom is on a senior pension and bills are already tight. VETS Animal Charity will pay for Mystic’s pelvic fusion surgery and get her back into Mom’s lap as soon as possible! We are asking the public as well as corporations for a special, one-time gift during this holiday season too help pet kids like Mystic. Tax receipts will be issued as we are a Registered Canadian Charity.www.vetsanimalcharity.comGANDERGander snuck out over night and his family couldn’t find him. It wasn’t until the wee hours that he literally dragged himself onto their porch. They were so relieved to see him, and then devastated when they realized what had happened. He was hit by a vehicle but found the will to get himself home to the comfort of his family. They rushed him into emergency, and it was determined that Gander had: a broken pelvis, a broken jaw, a severely fractured tail that will require amputation, broken back leg, and internal injuries. Gander is an amazing cat! He has his